Oberlin Dog Bite Lawyer

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Oberlin Dog Bite Attorney

Dog attacks can lead to serious injuries and death and are much more likely to cause serious harm to children. Other vulnerable individuals, such as elderly and disabled people, are also more likely to be seriously hurt by dog bites and attacks. When the attack happens because a dog’s owner is negligent in preventing harm, they may be liable. An Oberlin, LA dog bite lawyer can help those injured by these attacks and determine the options for financial recovery.

Every year, 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs. The damages from dog attacks can be serious and fatal. Between 2011 and 2021, there were 468 deaths in the U.S. that resulted from a dog bite or being struck by a dog, an average of 43 deaths per year. In 2021, there were 81 deaths, the highest number in the decade. If you are bitten by a dog, it is crucial to get immediate medical treatment.

Oberlin LA Dog Bite Lawyer

The Cox Law Firm: Helping You File After a Dog Attack

A dog attack can be immensely traumatic, on top of painful. Navigating the complicated dog bite laws is not easy in these circumstances.

When you work with the Cox Law Firm, we can manage your claim, determine if you have grounds to file, investigate the incident, and gather evidence. We strongly believe in supporting those who were injured because of the carelessness of others. With more than 135 combined years of legal experience, our team can effectively support you in your dog bite claim.

Who Is Liable for a Dog Attack?

If someone is negligent, breaches their duty of care to you, and this leads to you being attacked by a dog, they may be liable. In most cases, this party is the dog’s owner. Dog owners must exercise reasonable care in preventing dogs from causing damage when they know or should know that the dog’s actions could cause injury or other damage. Failing to do that makes them liable for the damage. Claims against dog owners are often filed against homeowners’ insurers.

A property owner, such as a landlord, may also be liable. If they were aware that there was a dangerous dog on the property and failed to warn or take steps to address this hazard, they may be liable for the damages.

To report an animal attack in Oberlin, you can contact the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office at 7340 LA-26 West in Oberlin or call them at (337) 639-4353.

What Are Defenses to Dog Bite Claims?

Dog owners, property owners, and their insurers may use several defenses to limit their liability or avoid paying compensation altogether. If you are injured in a dog attack, there are certain actions or other circumstances that can lead to your claim being limited, which are important to keep in mind. Some common defenses to your dog bite claim may include:

  • You provoked the dog. If you provoked the dog to attack intentionally, the dog owner is not liable for your damages. This could include hitting the dog or yelling at the dog. Dog owners may claim you provoked the dog when you did not, and it is important to have an attorney to investigate and prove that you did not provoke the dog.
  • You were trespassing. If you were illegally on the property where you were attacked, a landlord or property owner does not owe you a duty of care to protect you from hazards. Additionally, trespassing may be considered provocation of the dog since it was protecting its home.
  • You assumed a level of risk. This may apply if there were clear warnings about the dog, such as “beware of dog” signs, and they were ignored. The dog owner may argue you assumed a level of risk by ignoring the signs. Your attorney can help you determine whether the owner’s negligence still gives you grounds for a claim and if you can recover partial compensation.

As part of a dog bite claim, you must also show that you suffered damages from the dog bite. If you cannot prove your injuries, the owner may argue that you have no damages to recover. Working with an attorney is important to ensure you have the necessary documentation for a claim, including medical documentation of your injuries and eyewitness accounts of the accident. Gathering this evidence yourself can be much harder.


What Does a Level 2 Dog Bite Look Like?

A level 2 dog bite, based on the Dunbar dog bite scale, is a bite that results in contact between the dog’s teeth and the individual’s skin. Nicks in the skin are not deeper than one-tenth of an inch. There are no vertical punctures, only bleeding from lateral movement of teeth. This scale is used to determine the severity of dog bites and goes up to a level 6 dog bite, which is a fatal bite.

Why Would a Dog Bite Unprovoked?

A dog may bite unprovoked for several reasons, including being stressed, startled, or threatened. While some people believe that dogs of certain breeds, sizes, or sexes are more likely to bite than others, any dog could potentially bite. A dog may perceive a threat to its territory, be sick and in pain, sore from a previous injury, or believe it is playing and biting too hard.

How Much Can Someone Sue for a Dog Bite?

The amount someone can claim for a dog bite relies on how seriously they were injured and the cost of their medical bills and other damages. If someone is severely injured, their medical bills will be more costly, and they will lose more income as they recover. These losses are addressed in a claim. A claim is also limited by the insurance coverage limits of the dog owner’s insurance, usually a homeowner’s insurance policy.

Can I Go to Jail if My Dog Bites Someone?

Whether or not you can go to jail if your dog bites someone depends on state and local laws and whether your dog is already considered dangerous. Most dog bite cases are handled civilly, not criminally, so the dog’s owner is liable for the damages caused by the dog. A dog owner may be criminally charged if they had a dog considered dangerous or vicious and failed to take appropriate care to restrain the dog.

Improving the Outcome of Your Claim

When you have skilled legal representation, you could improve the likelihood of your claim succeeding and securing the most compensation available. Contact the Cox Law Firm today to see how we can help you.

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