Our history is rife with examples of corporations and businesses taking advantage of their employees, carelessly exposing them to harmful substances, poor working conditions, and products with dangerous side effects. Individuals are bullied into silence by being threatened with job loss or demotion, ensuring that the damaging factors affecting them, their staff, or their customers are unaddressed.
Class actions are unique legal mechanisms that protect groups of people from nefarious business practices and dangerous products. A class-action lawsuit can help hold the responsible party accountable. These types of cases generally assist with larger groups of people who have been victimized but whose damages do not add up to a significant amount. These groups of people can team up to form a larger group of victims, which improves their chances of receiving compensation for class action cases in Lake Charles.
A class-action lawsuit is a claim filed on behalf of a group of people who were harmed because of a specific situation they were put in or a product they were exposed to, such as becoming ill from asbestos exposure on job sites.
At the Cox Law Firm, our efforts in the class action arena have led to judgments and settlements totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. Are you a class member? Call our Lake Charles office at 337-436-6611, or contact us online for a FREE consultation.
A class-action lawsuit is a claim filed on behalf of a group of people who were harmed because of a specific situation they were put in or a product they were exposed to, such as becoming ill from asbestos exposure on job sites.
Class action lawsuits can be powerful agents of needed change in company policies, especially with corporations that regularly put their employees at risk. Mass Torts are processed differently and are primarily lawsuits brought by a large group of people who were harmed on a larger scale, such as an oil spill or defective medication.
Our experienced team can help you navigate negligence from a company or manufacturer and clarify whether a class action suit or a mass tort would be the most effective method of seeking restitution.
Our experienced team can help you navigate negligence from a company or manufacturer and clarify whether a class action suit or a mass tort would be the most effective method of seeking restitution. We are committed to educating our clients on their legal rights, as well as their options for moving forward.
With our incredibly successful background in mass litigation, we are confident that we can help you create a solid case. We will work on a contingency basis, meaning that we refuse to take any of your hard-earned funds until you are rightly compensated for the impact the company has had on your life. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our experienced attorneys.
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