Jennings Dog Bite Lawyer

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Jennings Dog Bite Attorney

A dog attack can be traumatizing, exceptionally painful, and require immediate and long-term medical care. It can be complicated for injured individuals to recover the financial damages after an attack, and the support of a Jennings dog bite lawyer can be essential to getting the necessary financial support. Dog bite laws and owner liability can be complex, and working with a legal advocate can help you understand your options and how you can hold the at-fault party liable.

Jennings Dog Bite Lawyer

Dedicated and Experienced Dog Bite Injury Attorneys in Jennings

It’s important to act quickly to pursue compensation, but this is often hard to do when you are receiving treatment for serious injuries. When you work with an attorney, they can handle your claim for you, gather evidence, and help you protect your rights and financial interests.

At the Cox Law Firm, we believe in the steadfast support of those who have been hurt by the negligence and carelessness of others. When you have been injured and are dealing with medical bills because of another party, you should not have to pay these financial costs. Our team wants to help and limit your stress and uncertainty during the process.

Our firm has helped injured individuals in Louisiana for over 55 years, and our team has more than 135 years of collective legal experience. We use our knowledge, resources, and experience to support you in your dog bite claim.

How Can You Recover Compensation After a Dog Bite?

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, an estimated 4.5 million people are bitten each year. In Louisiana, you may be able to recover compensation for a dog bite if the dog’s owner acted negligently. In a personal injury claim, to prove liability through negligence, you must prove:

  1. The dog’s owner owed you a duty of care, such as a duty to prevent the dog from causing known harm.
  2. The owner breached that duty of care by being negligent in their actions or failure to act.
  3. Their failure to uphold their duty of care led to you being attacked.
  4. The attack resulted in your injury and other losses.

There may also be other parties liable for the attack, such as a negligent landlord or other property owner for failing to warn of a dangerous animal or having insufficient security on the premises.

A claim is more likely to be successful when you have evidence of your injuries and evidence of the dog owner’s negligence and how that led to your attack. This may be shown through witness testimony, medical documentation, and other evidence.

You are more likely to secure the evidence to support your claim when you work with a knowledgeable attorney. This is especially true when you are seriously injured and unable to recover evidence for a claim yourself after the attack.

What Are Common Injuries in Dog Attacks?

Dog attacks and bites can lead to numerous injuries ranging in severity, and severe bites can lead to infections and other severe complications that could lead to death. Between 2011 and 2021, 468 deaths occurred because of a dog attack, either a bite or being struck by the dog. The highest number of deaths occurred in 2021, where there were 81 deaths.

Vulnerable individuals are much more susceptible to more serious and deadly injuries, especially children. Elderly and disabled individuals are also at a higher risk. Dog bites can result in injuries such as:

  • Lacerations and cuts
  • Contusions
  • Sprains and other soft tissue injuries
  • Crushing injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Facial injuries
  • Loss of sight or hearing
  • Nerve damage
  • Infection
  • Rabies
  • Tetanus
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries

Dog bites, whether minor or severe, can also leave the individual with post-traumatic stress disorder and other psychological harm.

If you have been bitten in Jennings, LA, you can get medical assistance at the Ochsner American Legion Hospital at 1634 Elton Rd. in Jennings.


How Much Compensation Do You Get for a Dog Bite?

The amount of compensation you can get for a dog bite depends on the circumstances of your case. The maximum damages are the value of damages you suffered, including the cost of your medical bills, your pain and suffering, your lost income, and other losses.

Whether you can recover the maximum damages available in your case relies on factors like the evidence that supports your claim, whether you are working with a skilled attorney, and the insurer’s willingness to settle.

How Do You Negotiate a Dog Bite Settlement?

The most effective way to negotiate a dog bite settlement is to work with an experienced dog bite personal injury attorney. Negotiating your claim will likely be easier if:

  • You seek immediate medical attention after being attacked.
  • The proper authorities, such as animal control, are notified of the dog.
  • There is clear documentation of your injuries.
  • You take note of the dog’s owner’s information, including their name and insurance information.
  • Review the dog bite laws in your parish.

If you are in Jennings, you can report a dog bite to The Jefferson Davis Parish Sheriff’s Office at (337) 824-3850.

How Serious Does a Dog Bite Have to Be to Sue?

The severity of your dog bite does not impact your ability to file a claim, but rather, the laws of the state and whether the dog’s owner is at fault under those laws. In some states, the dog’s owner is strictly liable for all damage. In other states, the dog’s owner is liable only if their dog has bitten before or was otherwise negligent. If the dog’s owner is at fault and you were injured, you can file a claim.

What Is a Level 3 Dog Bite?

A level 3 dog bite, according to the Dunbar dog bite scale, is a dog bite of medium severity, resulting in between one and four punctures in the skin from a single dog bite. None of these punctures can be deeper than half the dog’s canine tooth length to be considered a level 3 bite. A level 3 bite may also result in single-direction lacerations. A level 1 bite is the least severe, and a level 6 bite results in death.

Navigating Your Case With Experienced Legal Representation

You may have been injured by the dog of a friend or family member, and this can make it harder to consider the prospect of a claim. Remember that most dog bite claims are filed with the homeowner’s insurance of the dog’s owner, not against the individual. You should not have to cover the costs of your injuries when they were not your fault.

Dog bite laws are complicated, and filing claims with an insurance company or in civil court is much easier with experienced legal support. Contact the Cox Law Firm today.

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