Jennings Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

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Jennings Catastrophic Injury Attorney

Most people are able to fully recover from minor injuries. However, some injuries are so serious that they might leave the victim severely disabled, preventing them from completing basic tasks. These are considered catastrophic injuries and are not as uncommon as you might think. If you or a loved one have experienced a catastrophic injury, you need legal support from a Jennings catastrophic injury lawyer to make sure that you can receive proper compensation.

Best Jennings Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Recovering Millions in Damages

After almost 50 years, the Cox Law Firm has seen many different types of personal injuries. We’ve worked with a variety of cases and provided compensation for many different clients, regardless of how large or small their case is. We understand the importance of receiving compensation for serious injuries, so we do not stop fighting for the compensation you deserve.

How Do Catastrophic Injuries Occur?

Catastrophic injuries in Jennings can occur in many different forms, including:

  • Car Accidents: Vehicle accidents are one of the most common ways that catastrophic injuries are sustained. Victims struggle with traumatic brain injuries and injuries to the head and shoulders as a result of whiplash. If the case is severe enough, an individual might not be able to speak or eat without assistance and might need permanent medical care.
  • Dog Bites: A bite from an animal can result in serious injuries if it is not treated quickly. Sharp teeth can puncture important organs, fracture bones, and result in emotional distress to the victim.
  • Burns: Burns can occur from car accidents or at the workplace, either from an explosion or from exposure to toxic chemicals. If a burn is severe enough, it can result in permanent scarring and injuries.
  • Slip and Falls: One of the most frequent injuries that occur are slip and fall accidents. They commonly happen in the workplace but can also take place on another individual’s property that is not properly maintained. Regardless of where the slip and fall occurred and in what context, if it was at work, it should be documented with a supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Workplace Injuries: Some injuries in the workplace are due to a high-risk environment. However, there are some injuries that occur that could have been prevented if the employer did not behave negligently. In these instances, legal intervention might help you receive additional compensation for a catastrophic injury.

How Are Catastrophic Injuries Different From Other Injuries?

Generally, catastrophic injuries are more severe than other injuries. While some injuries might result in bruises, scrapes, or fractures, catastrophic injuries often result in permanent damage that might even lead to an amputation. These injuries might prevent the individual from living independently for a short period of time or for the rest of their life.

The costs associated with enduring medical care and assistance can be astronomical, so those who have suffered such an injury can benefit from a catastrophic injury claim. These costs often include a live-in aide or assisted living facility, physical therapy sessions, frequent doctor and specialist visits, and expenses for medications.

There is also a cost to the victim’s mental state. Some catastrophic injuries can improve over time, but they usually stay with the victim forever. This can also include PTSD and painful memories of the traumatic accident, which can lead to additional mental health problems. If an injury is serious enough, the individual might not be able to live their life or engage in the same job or activities that they did before they were injured.

It can be even more insulting if these injuries were caused by another party’s negligent or reckless actions. If this is the case, then it might be possible to seek additional relief by filing a personal injury claim. This claim can recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, and the pain and suffering caused by the catastrophic injury. An attorney can inform you of your options for a claim as well as assist you with filing and negotiating with insurance companies.


Q: Can You Sue for Pain and Suffering in a Catastrophic Injury Claim in Louisiana?

A: You can sue for pain and suffering in Louisiana. You can sue for a variety of damages in a personal injury claim, such as medical expenses and lost wages due to missing work from your injuries. You can also sue for intangible losses, like pain and suffering and emotional trauma. To find out more about what types of damages you might be eligible to receive in a personal injury claim, speak with a personal injury attorney.

Q: How Long Does a Catastrophic Injury Claim Take in Louisiana?

A: A catastrophic injury claim can take several years to resolve. Cases typically take longer to resolve when the injuries are more severe, as there is usually more money involved. In some cases, catastrophic injury cases must go to trial, which can make the claim take even longer. For an exact estimate of how long your catastrophic injury claim might take, consult a personal injury attorney.

Q: What Is a Catastrophic Injury Claim?

A: A catastrophic injury claim is similar to a personal injury claim but is typically for more severe injuries. These cases typically ask for larger damage amounts because they result in higher medical expenses than normal. In some cases, additional money is requested for expensive ongoing care, like assisted living and permanent rehabilitative services. To learn more about catastrophic injury claims, work with a personal injury lawyer.

Q: What Is Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

A: There are several types of injuries that can be considered catastrophic. Some of the most common forms of catastrophic injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Injuries to the spinal cord and/or paralysis
  • The amputation of a limb
  • Harsh burns
  • Damage to important organs

There are many reasons why these types of injuries can occur. Many of them happen on the job, while others might occur due to medical malpractice or a car accident.

Representation for Severe Injuries

Catastrophic injuries can dramatically change a victim’s way of life. This is why it is so important to contact an attorney after a catastrophic injury. They can ensure that paperwork related to your claim is filed on time. For assistance with receiving the damages you are entitled to, schedule a consultation with the Cox Law Firm today.

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