Lafayette Mesothelioma Lawyer

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Lafayette Mesothelioma Attorney

A mesothelioma diagnosis can turn a family upside down. If you or a loved one is facing a recent diagnosis, it is important to find support and a compassionate team to handle your situation. This illness is typically caused by exposure to asbestos, and it’s necessary to hold companies responsible for the exposure accountable by working with a Lafayette mesothelioma lawyer.

When you choose Cox Law Firm, you’re not just another case. We believe in being genuine without clients and providing them with empathy to help them through tough times. Our firm is built on a foundation of care and is backed by our experience and access to many different resources. We are committed to walking you through every step of your case and to providing you with a determined ally to fight for your rights.

Lafayette Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is likely that this illness came from asbestos exposure. Asbestos used to be quite common, particularly in construction, shipbuilding, and automotive injuries. It was even used in common household products. Although it is heavily regulated in modern times, many people are exposed to dangerous materials without knowing or being protected against the hazards of asbestos.

One aspect of asbestos that makes it so dangerous is that it takes a while to cause mesothelioma. Even if a victim was exposed to it decades earlier, they could still discover symptoms after the initial latency period. This makes it hard to diagnose mesothelioma, making it more likely to find out about the disease after it has been in the body for a while, usually at a more advanced stage that provides a greater risk of fatality.

Who Is Responsible?

There are many different parties that could be responsible for exposing people to asbestos. A common cause is employers not protecting their workers from asbestos while they are exposed to it. If they allowed their employees to be exposed to asbestos without warning them or having specific safety rules, they could be held liable for the expenses caused by the development of mesothelioma.

Manufacturers and suppliers of asbestos can also be at fault if they made or sold these products without letting people know about the risks of consumption. It is also possible for property owners to be liable if they did not attempt to remove asbestos within their buildings or adequately contain it. These types of claims could also target trusts that were developed by companies that went bankrupt because of these cases.

How to File a Claim

The first step to filing a mesothelioma claim is to consult with an experienced attorney. These cases are complicated due to the high latency period of asbestos. Make sure to work with an attorney who has a track record of working with mesothelioma and asbestos-related claims. They can review your work history and personal story to evaluate when you could have been exposed to asbestos, as well as your medical history.

Once the investigation period has concluded and your attorney has determined when the exposure likely happened, they can file a claim on your behalf. This claim usually targets a company that manufactured or used products that had asbestos in them but could also involve property owners.

Most mesothelioma cases are settled before going to a courtroom. This process could move faster if your attorney negotiated with the defendant’s team to work out a settlement amount. If they cannot negotiate a proper amount, then it might move to court. This process can also include looking into compensation through a trust fund.

Regardless of the details of your claim, it is important to work with a mesothelioma attorney. Their resources allow them to identify who is likely responsible for your exposure so that you are filing your claim correctly. They can also increase the amount of possible compensation by calculating the full scope of how the illness affected you. Their experience can make sure your claim is filed within any state or local time limits to make sure it is still eligible.


Who Pays Mesothelioma Claims?

Who pays mesothelioma claims depends on the context of the situation. If a company made or sold products with asbestos in it, they could be held responsible for a mesothelioma claim. There are also trust funds available that were set up by these companies to cover costs if they go bankrupt. Other compensation could come from health insurance, workers’ compensation, and even disability insurance.

Can I File a Mesothelioma Claim If I Don’t Know How I Got Exposed to Asbestos?

You can file a mesothelioma claim if you don’t know how you got exposed to asbestos. Even if you are unsure about the exact location or time of exposure, these claims usually result in a thorough investigation to trace your personal history and determine when you were most likely to be exposed. Even if you were exposed decades ago or indirectly, it is still possible to find the necessary evidence to support your case.

What Is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is particularly dangerous. It affects the lungs but can also occur in other organs like the heart. Most people experience mesothelioma because of being exposed to asbestos, which was used often in the construction industry as insulation and a fire-resistant material. Asbestos fibers can easily be inhaled and develop mesothelioma in the victim, but it often takes decades for the process to occur.

Can Family Members File a Claim for Mesothelioma?

Family members can file a claim for mesothelioma if their loved one passes away because of complications from the disease. This would be considered a wrongful death claim and could allow the family to be compensated for things like medical and funeral expenses. Depending on the circumstances, the victim’s spouse, children, and even their parents could file a claim. These things often happen due to negligence in the workplace, so these claims are very important.

Contact Our Lafayette Mesothelioma Lawyers

Time is of the essence in mesothelioma cases. Any delay can impact the status of your claim. Schedule a consultation with Cox Law Firm today to take immediate action against large companies that risked your health to increase their bottom line. We won’t back down until you are able to focus on what matters most.

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